House Rendering in Dudley

Building technology has made some significant developments over the last few years. And one of the most notable is anti-crack rendering. At Gaffney & Guinan has a wide range of rendering solutions from cutting-edge architecture to ancient, historical buildings. Today’s rendering finishes are rapidly improving in quality and strength. When we install a rendering finish, we add reinforcement mesh, which is applied to all our rendering solutions. Following this, we utilise a basecoat made of polymer materials.

We have a wide range of rendering treatments for any architectural environment. In addition, we offer a variety of finishes in both vivid and pastel colours. One of Gaffney & Guinan’s key services is rendering. If you live in Dudley or the surrounding area and want to improve the quality of your property, get in touch with one of our team today.
Take a look at how our rendering services will benefit your property below.

The Advantages of House Rendering Services in Dudley

  • Improves structural integrity – house rendering is a form of safeguarding your property’s layers and smoothing out uneven brickwork.
  • Extends the life of the materials – house rendering can prolong the lifespan of your house’s materials, typically lasting up to 20-30 years.
  • Eliminates draughts caused by surface fractures 
  • Improves the appearance of your home – you can choose a rendering solution that best suits you from a range of different colours and textures offered by Gaffney & Guinan.
  • Provides mild insulation when used alone – can provide mild insulation, minimizing heat transfer through walls and reducing heat loss by up to 30%.
  • With a variety of styles to choose from, including a broad selection of hues and textures, you can create a unique and personalized look for your home.
  • Rendering helps to prevent dampness –  it can help to prevent dampness by effectively stopping its spread through walls. Cement and sand renders are particularly effective at combating dampness, although it cannot eradicate it completely.
detached house with external wall insulation

Types of House Rendering

There are many different kinds of renderings to choose from. Each design can be altered to best suit your requirements.

  • Polymer Render: The components for our polymer rendering are prepared by our on-site experts. Our polymer render is made from white cement and lime. We then increase the render’s hardness and fracture resistance. Finally, we add a plastic component to our mixture.
  • Monocouche Render: This is a relatively recent development in the rendering market. The one-coat render is pre-mixed with water and may be applied manually or mechanically. Monocouche renders are made from white cement that we colour first. As this type of render only requires one layer, it’s easier to apply.
  • Cement Render: As one of the most popular kinds of exterior rendering, this type is applied in layers by one of our specialists. To ensure that the render is prepped for painting, we apply the final layer thinly, so it has a good finish.
  • Lime render: Lime renders are becoming more popular; this type is more difficult to install than other types. This means that lime renders are suitable for remodelling projects.
  • Acrylic render: To enhance the look of your render, we apply an acrylic render as a thin final coat. This helps to seal the lower layers and gives your home a smooth glossy finish.
  • Insulating render: This kind of rendering is used if your outside walls are deteriorating or aren’t very well insulated. If the exterior wall is leaking or vulnerable to water damage, this rendering could be useful.
Turnpipe Cottage. A small cottage with part external wall render, and part brick work for an attractive finish.

Which type of render is suitable for my property?

The best type of house rendering for your property depends on its structure. Our team of specialists at Gaffney & Guinan can help you choose the most suitable option. For example, if your property is an old building, a lime render may be the best choice since movement in old structures can cause cracks in cement rendering.

Will you need planning permission to apply external render?

Whether you need planning permission to apply external render to your property depends on various factors such as:

  • The type of building: If your property is a listed building, you will need planning permission to render your home as listed buildings are of historical and architectural significance.
  • Location: If your property is situated in a National Park, Conservation or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, you’ll need to seek planning permission before applying external render.

If your property is located outside of these areas, you don’t require planning permission to render your home. However, ensure that the materials used are comparable to those employed in the original construction. Contact the Gaffney & Guinan team, and they’ll evaluate your case and recommend the best solution.


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can I render the exterior of my house myself? Achieving a smooth render finish requires the skills and experience of a professional team. If you’re not an expert, rendering your property may result in an unsightly and uneven appearance.
  • Does rendering increase the value of my property? Yes, rendering can boost your property’s value by enhancing its appearance and providing an added protective layer to preserve the building’s structural materials. These improvements will likely make your property more attractive to potential buyers.
  • Will rendering my house prevent dampness? Although rendering will not stop dampness from entering your property from its source, it can prevent it from penetrating through the render layer.

Discover more about our Dudley House Rendering Services

External rendering is a brilliant substitute if internal insulations are too intrusive. Our rendering packages can also include rigid insulation. Our professionals will install rigid insulation, a base coat, and a finish coat with reinforced mesh.

Looking for more information about the pricing of our external rendering services? Feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

At Gaffney & Guinan, we are proud to offer top-quality external rendering solutions to Dudley and the surrounding areas.

We strive to ensure that every customer has a seamless and stress-free experience with us. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our team members.

See how we can help you
Our experienced surveyors will be very happy to talk to you. Whether you just want some informal preliminary advice or you need a fully-costed quotation. Whatever stage you are at, feel free to get in touch.
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