House Rendering Leicester
Anti-crack rendering has emerged as one of the most significant advancements in construction technology in recent years. At Gaffney & Guinan, we can render various properties, from cutting-edge architecture to old, historic structures.
Today’s rendered finishes are rapidly improving in durability, aesthetics, and quality. For our render solutions, we use reinforcement meshes and polymer-based basecoats.
Our vast selection of rendered treatments are suited for all architectural settings and come in a wide range of finishes; from bright colours to pastel tones which significantly improve your house’s appearance and value.
Rendering is one of the main services that Gaffney & Guinan provides. Get in touch with our dedicated team of experts if you reside in Leicester (or nearby regions) and want to improve the quality of your home. Continue reading to find out how our rendering services might benefit your property.
The Advantages of House Rendering
- Enhances the appearance of your home – adding a second coat of render to your home can help make it look better. Our renders at Gaffney & Guinan come in various colours and textures, allowing you to pick a style that suits you.
- Extends the life of materials – there are many different materials to consider when rendering a home, with the majority lasting much longer than paint and requiring only a small amount of maintenance. A render act as a weatherproof coat, protecting the walls from harsh weather conditions.
- Improves structural integrity – rendering can level out a poor brick surface when applied correctly. It also adds a protective layer to the house.
- Provides mild insulation when used alone – external house rendering increases your home’s energy efficiency, with some renders reducing heat loss through walls by as much as 30%. Rendering prevents excessive heat loss by making it harder for heat to escape through the walls, whilst keeping the walls breathable. Rendering is an effective way of providing mild insulation, helping to decrease your energy bills.
- Prevents damp – Rendering cannot fix damp alone, but it can prevent damp from passing through the walls. Sand and cement renders are most effective when fighting dampness.
- Eliminates draughts caused by surface fractures.

Types of House Rendering
You can choose from numerous different sorts of external renders. We can customise the design to whatever your preferences are.
- Cement render – Cement render is the most common type of external rendering. Our on-site experts prepare it and apply it in coats. We apply the last coat thinly and give it a nice finish to ensure the render is ready for painting.
- Polymer renders — Our experts pre-mix the materials we use for our polymer rendering. The polymer rendering materials we use are white cement and lime. Then, we add plastic items to the mix to strengthen the render’s crack resistance and hardness.
- Acrylic renders — We use acrylic renders as a thin finish to seal and improve the appearance of the underlying coat. Acrylic renders give your home that wonderful, smooth finish.
- Monocouche renders – Monocouche is a French word that means “single layer” or “bed.” Monocouche renderings are a relatively new addition to the rendering industry. We can apply the one-coat render by hand or machine, and it is pre-mixed with water. Even though this render contains white cement, we colour it beforehand. Monocouche renders are easier to apply than other varieties because they simply require one coat.
- Lime renders – Although lime renders are becoming increasingly more popular, they are more challenging to install than other renders. As a result, lime renders are more suited to renovation work. Lime renders are available from a variety of companies.
- Insulating Renders – Insulating render can be used to renovate a home. When your outside walls are decaying or not adequately insulated, this type of render is beneficial. Is your home’s external wall leaking or prone to water damage? If this is the case, insulating render can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rendering
- Can I render my house myself? – Although it is possible to render a home yourself, doing this may result in an inadequate and messy finish. A good rendering job requires skill and experience to be effective, look attractive, and add value to your home. Hiring a professional ensures that the rendering job is completed in line with current industry standards, and will have the longest possible life span. You can contact us to discuss a quote here.
- Does rendering add value to the property? – Rendering a home adds value to the property by making it look more appealing and desirable to potential buyers. It also adds a protective layer onto the external walls of the house, and provides mild insulation which is beneficial to occupants.
- Does rendering a house stop damp?– Rendering cannot solve the problem of damp alone; however, it can stop damp from penetrating the walls of your house. Some renders are more effective in preventing damp than others. Get in touch with our team to find out more.
- Do I need planning permission to get my house rendered? – There are a few factors that determine whether or not you can apply external render on your property, including:
Building type – You will require planning approval to render your house if it is a listed building. Buildings with particular historical or architectural significance are listed. These structures can be found on The National Heritage List For England (NHLE).
Location – Before applying external render to your home, you must obtain planning approval if your property is located in a National Park, Conservation Area, or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
If you are unsure whether your property will require planning permission to render it, contact the team at Gaffney & Guinan who will be able to advise you on your individual case.
Discover More About Our Leicester House Rendering Services
External rendering is an excellent alternative if you find internal insulation too invasive. Rigid insulation is included in our rendering package.
Our process – Our experts will install rigid insulation on your wall. After that, they will apply a reinforcing mesh, a base coat, and a finishing coat.
Are you interested in receiving a quote for one of our external render systems? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us. At Gaffney & Guinan, we provide industry-leading external rendering services in Leicester and the surrounding areas. We provide a smooth client experience in every project we undertake.